Jul 7Liked by Yaroslava

What a beautiful letter, full of colour and history as well as the less-welcome news regarding your aggressive neighbour. We have a saying in England that ‘a change is as good as a rest’. I hope the change of scenery has provided respite for you. X

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Thank you so much, Lin 😘. The change of scenery helped for sure!

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so behind on your Sunday letters! what an interesting letter! nice to learn about Solomiya Krushelnytska! your letter is a good reminder to take breaks in a change of scenery - i need to do this more

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Hi Yara...another Sunday letter worth waiting for..thank you.

Sadly...a terrorist attack this morning has shattered my heart..💔


It has left yours in tatters too..and all right thinking people...such agonising sorrow...😡🙏🙏🙏

To your letter...

As always a judicious mix of culture and history...really well organised..

Your bio of Solymio was lovely...enjoyed reading about her and her wonderful musical legacy for us all to enjoy...

As for your time in Ternopil...taking y your heart's ease in healing nature...it most certainly must feature in Ukraine Beautiful..brought to life with your own personal experience...😁

I saw this recently...it resonated with me and now seems to fit your days away...


This might seem like a dream now...but one to keep for other days..

Yara...honestly I feel heavy hearted in this reply...but we must take care of each other...

You too...be kind to yourself amidst all this pain and turmoil..

Gentle 🫂...#SlavaUkraini

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Always interesting Yaroslava. You write beautifully as you take us on the cultural and historical journeys.

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Finally time to read your newsletter. It's the middle of the night here. Life has been hectic for weeks.

I really enjoyed it all, and in particular the cultural bits. Perhaps especially those bits, plus the pictures.

Thank you for sharing it all, including your personal journey, which was insightful.

Thanks again.

Take care. G

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Thank you for this letter, I enjoyed learning about Solomia. I am glad you were able to order the Ecoflow, that should make dealing with the outages easier. Many hugs 💜

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I get these letters both here and on Buy Me A Coffee site, and this one uploads to email once, but the other site uploads 2 or 3 times for some reason. I know you've mentioned difficulties with getting the letters to upload, and I wonder if that is part of the problem. I'm not sure why Buy Me a Coffee would do that, but there seems to be some glitch in how their email uploads send. I thought I would let you know about this in case it has something to do with the problems you have at times.

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