Jun 24Liked by Yaroslava

I thought if I re read I would remember what I was going to say. But alas. It went out of my brain forever it seems. 😂😂 But I will say again thank you so much for these. 💖

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Jun 23Liked by Yaroslava

What an odd and unsettling story! I feel sorry for the guard.

It's been another tough week, with missiles and drones attacking infrastructure and civilians. Some strikes back, though, in the other direction.

I hope the power situation improves a bit this week, with no more damage inflicted.


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Yes, the story is definitely strange. But it made me read on (I always like to have some context and try to share it with you, because sometimes events sound a little different when you know the circumstances in which they happened).

Thank you for your kind wishes, Lizzie 😘

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Thank you, Yara. It wasn't too long. It was informative, and that's always good, in my opinion.

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Glad to hear it, Tracy 🤗. I hope you are fine. Sending you some strong hugs from here.

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Thank you, Yara. I'm doing better than I have been recently. Also, my hand that I had surgery on has healed. Time for the next one soon! Sending strong hugs back to you :)

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Jun 23Liked by Yaroslava

Bravo, Ukrainian military! Keep striking russia!

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💪 they will! I'm sure of it.

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Jun 23Liked by Yaroslava

Hi Yara...that was one very informative letter...well researched and put together well.

I love the photos of the park...green open spaces always speak to me..


Delighted to buy you a coffee...black...no sugar..hope you can enjoy and take a break ..

Thank you for all your information on 🇺🇦..would not have a clue except for you...

Keep well...keep ✍️


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Thank you, dear Anne. I do appreciate it. I hope your Sunday is nice 🫂. Sending you hugs from Kyiv.

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Always a good read! The reality of the Russo-German pact was revelatory to me, makes one wonder about the real outcome(s) of Putin's recent trips to China and N Korea.

Thank you and stay safe🙏🌷

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Weaving this piece of history with events in North Korea..not an easy thing to do. Thank you for the research that you have done around this

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It seems that mankind never learns…one psychopath leader after another throughout time and more waiting in the wings. Why and how do we ordinary mortals let them come to power? Anyway, my dear, it was an interesting story although for someone of my advanced years, I don’t expect to remember all the details😆. I can offer no remedies, only support in the form of words and #warcoffee

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The story of the lost/destroyed Nazi flag and portrait of Hitler reminds me a bit of a book called Breaking Stalin's Nose. It seems that nothing made sense in those days.

Very glad to hear of the successes against oil depots and drone storage sites. Way to go, Ukraine!

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