Jun 20Liked by Yaroslava

Most fascinating, how history is now repeating itself in not one but many countries.

Funny I hadn't thought of the Klassenfeind (class enemy) for a long time, even though it was a very present term in my 20's. Most universities were very leftist and communes were still around.

I am very interested about reporting about Holodomor, something I had not heard about before the war.

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Thank you, Mory! Next Tuesday I am going to the library to start my research about the headlines of that time. It must be a hard but useful journey.

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Jun 20Liked by Yaroslava

Very interesting article. I would happily read more of your research into this fascinating topic.

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Thank you so much, Lizzie!

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Jun 21Liked by Yaroslava

Thank you for sharing this with us Yara and for your efforts spent with research and writing. I'm keen to read your report on the Holodomor too.

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Thank you, Rosemary, for reading it!

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Jun 20Liked by Yaroslava

Very interesting article. I would happily read more of your research into this fascinating topic.

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Thank you, Lizzie! I will continue.

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Jun 20Liked by Yaroslava

Thank you. We are experiencing similar situation with our Republican Party and its candidates especially Trump. Our mainstream media is failing to report both side of a story or both sidesing things that can’t have 2 sides ie Holocaust.

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Interesting. But you know, studying these headlines and articles, helps me to look more carefully what our media write now.

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Jun 21Liked by Yaroslava

Fascinating, but depressing too, to see brainwashing at work. There must have been few sources of alternative 'information' for those reading the newspapers, so I imagine that it was all to easy to persuade people to believe Soviet propaganda.

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I am afraid, Ann, that it was not any other alternatives of these newspapers. As I read, people in the villages were poorly educated and there were shortages in books. It was so easy to put any kind of propaganda into their heads. I guess that people from the cities, despite being more educated, had no alternatives either.

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Jun 21Liked by Yaroslava

Yara...thank you...you have very succinctly related a part of history that should never be forgotten...most especially in the light of today's cruel events.

Does anything ever change...I have to ask...we are fed a daily diet of 'fake' news by our media which should be embarrased at their manipulation of grave situations..and not only those...general elections ...the stable of democracy..are continuously manipulated with distorted reporting...conspiracy theories abound..all given the oxygen of often lurid headlines...

It has been said that the first casualty of war is truth..even without war truth has become a weapon to be distorted..

The shameful manipulation of truth by governments...journalists...media outlets which were once trusted with that very truth...lies heavy on our burdened shoulders today.

Reading about 1930 and the enduring tapestry of repression which resulted ...and continues to this day was not easy...but shadows Ukraine today...this is truly dreadful

as we are supposed to take lessons from history...never again has become again...again...again!

Propaganda! A weapon of war!

Propaganda! Distorted truth!

Propaganda! Shameful deliberate lies!

As you carry on with your next foray into your history...famine....take strength in your courage to follow your curiosity ...

Keep ✍️ ✍️ ✍️ ✍️

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Thank you, Anne, for your thoughtful reply! I will follow my curiosity. You know, it takes me deeper and deeper. Let's see where exactly.

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Jun 21Liked by Yaroslava

Thank you for taking the time and trouble to write about and translate these newspapers....without learning from the past the same mistakes are made...the newspaper's headline seems to reflect how the SovietUnion presented it's face to the world ...the reality like living with an abuser was far from the the truth! A very interesting article...I wonder if there will be anything said about the Holodomor.

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I am afraid that it will be silence about Holodomor. But I will check and tell. For sure.

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I suspect you are right...it wouldn't be the narrative that the Soviets wanted to potray

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Jun 21Liked by Yaroslava

Another interesting article and appreciate your commitment to sharing this with your readers.

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It is my greatest pleasure (and some kind of mission). Thank you for reading, Katie.

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Jun 21Liked by Yaroslava

No truth in News, and no news in Truth, right? Would definitely like to see more on the Holodomor. Thanks!

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A wonderful remark. Thank you, Libby!

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Jun 21Liked by Yaroslava

Unfortunately, I never learned this part of history in school, so you're doing a fine service with your research, dear Yara. Many thanks!

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I am glad to share this with you, Isola. More to come.

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Jun 22Liked by Yaroslava

I'll be here, looking forward to it. Peace, dear Yara!

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Jun 21Liked by Yaroslava

When you have two papers, one called truth the other called news, you know it’s going to be lies and propaganda. ru has been sick and disgusting forever. Thank you for these. These letters are so good.

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You noted that great, Jessica. Thank you too for being here. I appreciate. Please know.

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